A small gathering of family gathered to celebrate the Eucharist on Saturday, December 19, 2020, giving thanks to God for the life of Ann Helen Krause. It was Ann’s desire that her memorial mass be a time of happiness and joy. The music and scripture readings she chose in advance, set the tone for celebration: “When the Saints Come Marching In”; “Be Not Afraid”; “Here I Am, Lord”; and “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light”!
A joyful celebration of the life of Michael James Yaeger took place on Saturday, December 12, 2020, as his family and friends gathered for the Mass of the Resurrection. Many family members took an active role as lectors, pallbearers, and processional attendants. Family friend Fr. Brian Chabala concelebrated with Fr. David Burgard.
The family of Joyce Ann Eby gathered to celebrate her long and faith-filled life on Wednesday, November 16, 2020. Her great-nephew and newly ordained priest, Fr. Mark Tibai presided at the Mass of the Resurrection celebrating God’s goodness and mercy made evident in her life. Along with her husband, Bill (d. May 17, 2020), and her brother, Ronald Yensch, Joyce enjoyed traveling to the Smokey Mountains, Toronto, and on the Algona Snow Train in Sault Ste. Marie. Weekend jaunts saw the trio visiting Michigan festivals and fairs.
Family and friends from near and far gathered to celebrate the long and faith-filled life of Jeanne Catherine Byron. Jeanne valued her Catholic education, and along with her husband (Albert d. 2003) ensured that each of their seven children would have the same opportunity and blessings afforded by Catholic education. She was a frequent cheerleader at all events that her children and grandchildren participated in.
The immediate family of Gay Jean Criscio gathered on Friday, December 4, 2020, to celebrate God’s faithful love and her new and eternal life. Baptized in the Lutheran faith, Gay entered the Catholic Church through the process of RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). She took seriously the command of Jesus: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations. . . . . teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 18:19-20).
Family and friends of Daniel George Toro gathered to celebrate the Mass of the Resurrection and entrust his soul to the love and mercy of God. One of seven children, Dan enlisted in the US Marine Corps at the age of eighteen. He served during the Vietnam conflict and was honorably discharged in 1967, earning the Vietnam Service Medal and Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, as well as the National Defense Service Medal.
Dear people of St. Mary's life You never leave my heart. These months away in quarantine Have kept us far apart. But every day, before our God Who keeps us safe in hand, I join in Eucharistic Thanks.