Victoria Louisa Free was the beloved child of Victor and Alice Free. She was blessed with a happy and joyful spirit and enjoyed being around her family and friends who gathered on Thursday, July 16th to give thanks and praise to God for the giA of her earthly and eternal life. Vicky was a member of our Saturday Morning “Faith Sharing” group for several years. She also looked forward to par'cipa'ng in the Special Olympics compe'ng in the area of swimming and winning many awards and medals. She delighted in crea'ng arts and craAs and sharing them with her friends. St. Mary Parish extends our sympathy and the promise of our prayerful support to Vicky’s family; Her aunt, Eunice Free and her cousins, Diane Paszko, Deborah Lynch, Pamela FreeSipple, Linda D’Amico, James Bartek and Michael Bartek. May our Lord comfort you with the hope of eternal life promised to all those who profess his Resurrec'on!