As we continue in this summer season, let us walk in faith and hope wherever we go and whoever we meet. During this summer, for a few weeks, our Sunday gospel readings take a break from the gospel of Mark, and go to John’s gospel, chapter 6. This chapter is very important for us as Catholics, laying a solid Scriptural foundation in our believe in the sacrament of the Eucharist. Last Sunday, we began the chapter with the account of the miracle of the multiplication of the bread and fish. This miracle reminds us of God’s abundant providence to take care of our true needs, with lots of “leftovers”. Nothing is wasted when it comes to God’s care for us. It’s just that sometimes we fail to ask, to trust, to seek, and knock. Sometimes we focus on what we want, rather than truly need. As we continue through John 6, we will hear Jesus’ “bread of life” discourse, which invites us to reflect on the great gift of the Eucharist, and what it means for us as Catholics. I invite you to ask yourself, as an individual or as a family: what is the level of your faith in Jesus when He states: “I am the bread of life”? Second, what motivates you to go to mass: an external obligation or a deep desire to experience the Lord Jesus more intimately and powerfully? Finally, how can you give witness to others to your belief in the centrality of the mass and the Eucharist for you as a Catholic? May we ask the Lord to give us this bread always.