Archbishop Vigneron announced that the general dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days will expire on Saturday, March 13, 2021. In its place, he is granting a number of particular dispensations for the faithful who may find themselves in specific circumstances.
Please read below for information about these specific dispensations and visit to learn more about how our parishes are working to keep everyone safe at Mass as well as tips and advice for inviting friends and family to attend Mass with you.
The general obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation (including the anticipatory Mass at 4:00pm or later on the previous day) is to be reinstated in the Archdiocese of Detroit effective Saturday, March 13, 2021.
Considering the grave obligation we have of being physically present with our brothers and sisters at Mass on Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation for the Eucharist, each of us is asked to make a good and sincere judgement as to whether these circumstances apply or not. Where doubt or confusion persists, consult any priest for clarity.
While the general dispensation is removed, there are specific instances where the dispensation will continue, as well as those circumstances where there is no obligation in the first place. One does not have an obligation to attend Mass on Sunday in the following circumstances:
For questions about the application of any of these, please contact your pastor.
These categories will be reviewed in due course and revised as needed.
Those within categories #1-8 above must still observe the Lord’s Day and are encouraged to spend time in prayer on Sunday, meditating on the Lord’s passion, death and resurrection; an excellent way to do this is through participating in a broadcast of the Sunday Mass.
Churches are to be open whenever possible. This includes most importantly being open for Mass, Sacraments, and other liturgies (see list below), and at other times for private prayer. All these liturgies are required to adhere to the following safety protocols:
Liturgies include the following: