“And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit”
We believe that Confirmation is an essential part of the discipleship process and an opportunity to walk intentionally with students in their life of faith. Our goal is to help lead those who have a desire to grow in their faith towards a life of authentic discipleship. We recognize that the discipleship process is most successful when students are surrounded by a community of witnesses, develop a sense of belonging in that community, and, through those relationships, receive Jesus Christ in word and deed.
Additionally, the Sacrament of Confirmation imparts the grace of Pentecost to each individual. The reception of this grace prepares them for the mission they were created for: to proclaim the Lordship of Jesus Christ to the world. However, the reality is often much different. Instead of generations of new disciples heralding the Good News, often our newly Confirmed leave the Church and do not return. Confirmation isn’t graduation or an arbitrary milestone in a person’s life - it is a profound encounter with the Holy Spirit that prepares us to live out our call as disciples in the world.
Discipleship is a journey and we are excited to accompany you and your family. Our preparation process is a two year journey, beginning in 7th grade. For more information please reach out to the faith formation office 734-241-6097 or dffmonroe@gmail.com.