Multiple generations of the Kennedy Family gathered on Monday, November 29 to praise and thank God for the gift of their mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, Rose Mary Kennedy. The mother of: Sharon (Daniel) Cousineau; Karen Kennedy (Joe Whinery); Patricia (Kenneth) Cousino, Timothy, Joseph (Wendy) ; Kevin (Kathleen Pitton), Robert (Cindy), Marie Kennedy (Jeff Gutschow) and Michael (d.) and Theresa (d). Rose Mary is also survived by 36 grandchildren and 35 great-grandchildren. Rose Mary brought joy and life to all those with whom she encountered. Her leadership and perseverance led to greater awareness of the void in providing for Monroe County citizens with special needs. She took great joy in forming a Catholic religious education program for them. Never fearful of directly addressing an area of injustice, it was through her long-term advocacy that that others began to recognize the dignity and value of every person. With her husband, Eugene (d.), Rose Mary devoted countless hours of service to the Monroe County community, to our St. Mary Parish, as well as to their family. Her strong faith and deep gratitude for the blessings of her life grounded and guided her commitment to care for others. St. Mary Parish offers its prayerful support to Rose Mary’s family and friends as they mourn her death. May her spirit of faith, hope and love empower others to continue her legacy.